
Monthly Archives: November 2012

Hello Blogland!!! How is everyone??? I got so engrossed in a project last nite I forgot to post!!!! We have a 6ft pre-lit fake Xmas tree that’s probably 15+ years old (it was one of the first ones) The lights have finally given up the ghost so I’ve been removing them. I am replacing them with multi-color led lights. The pile of greenery in my outfit pix is the tree as I’m de-lighting it!!The hubster is toiling away finishing up the outdoor decor. There will be pictures!!!

I’ve been playing Christmas songs on Accuradio at work this week to try to bring some cheer and joy to the Island of Misfit Toys.  There are a lot of really stupid and weird Christmas songs out there aside from the ones that are supposed to be jokes. Seriously–Domenic the Christmas Donkey complete with braying???? LOLOLOLOL

For a laugh check this song out: Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday Song by Brad Paisley. It’s hilarious and oh so true!!

I got a cute picture of Miss Kae abusing her bear and traumitizing MrBill with her viciousness!!!

Today I’ll be sharing some pictures of our Master bathroom all done up for Christmas:

1. Tree with vintage postcards. I collect salt glaze pottery and thrifted the Santa’s
2. Thrifted salt glaze jug with greenery
3.Thrifted Santa’s and salt-glazed pottery for  toilet decor!!
4. Thrifted wreath with ornaments I  made

I’ve worn the gorgeous scarf Curtise sent me the last two days with my red coat. I love the contrast of the blue against the red!

I have been a rainbow during my Cardigans, Scarves and Brooches Week.  My co-workers are bemused as always-lol. One guy asked if I dressed in the dark. No-but evidently HE does!! Wednesday I was in cool colors-

Sweater-Goodwill, Pants-Evan-Picone via Goodwill, Blouse-DressBarn, Booties-Ancient!!

The stuff:

Scarf-vintage, Brooch-Vintage hairpiece refashioned, Earrings-Vintage, Bracelets-thrifted

Today I wore warm colors. both outfits were inspired by the color scheme in the scarves.

Cardigan-Kohls, Blouse-Foxcroft via Goodwill, Trousers-Goodwill, Shoes-Payless

And of course-more stuff:

Scarf-Thrifted, Brooch-thrifted, Earrings-Vintage, Bracelets-made by me

I’m off to rip some more lights from the tree! I’ll chat with y’all later!



Hello Blogland!!! We are making progress here at supermodel Central getting the Xmas stuff up!!! I “decorated” our offices today. That just involves me hanging some Dollar Store stuff on doors and putting up my two little trees. I’m not expending too much effort on all the scrooges around here!!

While we were at Home Depot last nite picking up more lights I spied the most AMAZING light up lawn decoration. It’s like $90 but it is oh so COOL!!!

How FABULOUS is this peacock???

The Hubster commented that it wasn’t exactly “Christmas-y” and wouldn’t really go with his overall outdoor lighting plan. WHO CARES???? I totally want this-I’ve hinted it would make an AWESOME Xmas gift!!!!

Here’s more some pix of the guest/hall bathroom all decorated. The bright lime green color is the actual color in the bathroom. The flash washes it out:

1. Christmas tree-i made almost all of the ornaments and a friend made the paper mache ones
2. Hanging Santa I made
3. Thrifted Santa & Sled and Thrifted Believe towels

1. Thrifted hutch with my Christmas Charming Tails figurines
2. Stockings and towels on the towel shelf
3. More of my Christmas Charming Tails Figurines. The hubster gifts me with them.

Today was the second day of my Cardigans, Scarves & Brooches Week.  I was sort of Christmas colored!!

Trousers-Goodwill, Red T-Goodwill, Cardigan-Kohls, Shoes-Payless

Close up of the stuff:

Scarf-Vintage Thrifted, Pin-thrifted, Earrings-???

I took o pix of me in my waterproof winter coat this morning. Instead of snow we got a lovely 34 degree rain storm!!!! UGH

Coat-Dressbarn, Hat & Scarf-made by me, Gloves-Walmart

Well- y’all know it’s Tuesday and it’s time for me to ogle that hunka hunka burnin’ love Mark Harmon on NCIS!!!



Hello Blogland!!!  It’s the start of another fantastic week!!!! I’m feeling a bit better–thanks for all of your kind words and encouragement. It sucks to be back at work after a week because the stupid has surely piled up!!!!  Am I the Stupid Whisperer that manages to keep it at bay and it runs amuck when I’m not there???? LOLOLOL

I’m still slogging bit by bit with the decorating. The hubster has been busier than Santa’s elve’s putting up the outside lights and stuff. By stuff I mean angels and deer–none of that blow-up decor for me!!! We had to stop by Home Depot tonite on the way home from work for more lights!!! He added a bit more every year. We get a lot of traffic by our house and folks seem to love it. We’ve won 2nd & 3rd place in the local decoration contest and i think he’s gunning for a tastefully done first. I don’t want the house to be scene from space!!

Last year Walmart had this trashtastic inflatable Santa in an outhouse for your lawn decor. Because NOTHING says “Merry Christmas” like Santa taking a dump!!!! I told my sister’s eldest, my snarky nephew Josh (of the Thanksgiving Dinner) that I’d buy one for him if it weren’t $100 just because I KNOW it would piss my sister off. He went to get one for himself (he loves irritating his mom!!)and it was SOLD OUT!!!! In fact, we couldn’t find one ANYWHERE, including this year!! I’ve yet to see one actually on someone’s lawn!!!

“I’m dreaming of a poop Christmas”

I really brightened up when I found a wonderful package from the fabulous Curtise waiting for me!! It had such amazing goodies in it!! There was this hysterical card that had both me and my hubby howling. I  need to try this in my garden next year!!

She sent the most gorgeous scarf that is exactly what I’ve been looking for to wear with my red winter coat!!! The dark red in the scarf matches the coat perfectly!!! I will definitely post a pix later this week when I wear it!!!  AND there was the most amazing
vintage Richard Stump Jersey dress that fit like it was custom-made for me!!! I will be wearing it next week for my Frocks and Skirts Week!!! 

I’m going to sharing a bit of the decorating I’ve gotten done each day. Today I’ll be sharing a bit of the guest/hall bathroom done up for Christmas. Almost all of my decorations are thrifted, gifted or handmade by myself or other local crafters.

Paper Mache churches made by a 60+ year old friend. she taught herself how to sculpt. She also made the 2 green trees out of paper mache. I would make Santas for her and we’d trade every year. These are on the towel shelf with some vintage bottlebrush trees.

1. Handmade Santa found at yardsale for $2 with $79 price tag on it!!!
2. Vintage cookie jar missing lid becomes vase with thrifted greenery

Cardigan & pinstripe trousers-Goodwill, Shoes-Capezio via Goodwill, Blouse-Basic Editions via Kmart

Scarf-Goodwill, Pin-Vintage via Yardsale?, Earrings-Vintage and redone as pierced by me, Bracelets-misc bangles via ????, Plaid bangle by me

I’m off to untangle net lights for the hubster and watch The Voice!!! I’ll chat at y’all tomorrow!!





Hello Blogland!! I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! My nephew’s dinner was  fabulous!! Turkey and all the trimmings, several home-made pies. Unfortunately for me I was so stuffed up I really couldn’t taste it!!

Whatever this craptastic crud is I’ve gotten just won’t go away! I felt better Thursday only to get sick all over again Friday!!! Nyquil is my new best friend. This has put me WAY behind on my Christmas decorating!! I usually am done by the end of Thanksgiving weekend!!! It’s making my OCD self crazy looking at all the bins everywhere. The OCD comes in handy as everything is in labeled bins according to the room it goes in. I just open a bin when I’m up to it and decorate as I go. It will get done this week slowly but surely. I definitely have enough Christmas decorations to stock a Super Walmart!!! I’ll share pix when I get it all up!

I’ve only worn one blog-worthy outfit the past week. My pajama’s aren’t fit for public consumption!! Fact is I’ve only been out of the house once the past week, anyway. Without further ado…

Dress-Covington via Goodwill, Vest via Goodwill, Purse via Goodwill, Boots via Kmart, Belt-thrifted, Scarf-Vintage Perry Ellis via Goodwill

Our daughter loved her deer and snow village cheese dome thingy. Thank you so much for all of your kind words regarding my crafting!!!

I’ll be linking up with Patti for Visible Monday!! I’ve deemed this week at work “Cardigan & Scarf Week”. I find it fun to give myself a little challenge style-wise.

I’m off to catch up with all of your blogs!!! Have a wonderful evening and I’ll chat with you tomorrow for Makeover Monday!




….to our nephew’s house we’ll go!!!! Hello Blogland!!!! How is everyone this lovely Thanksgiving Eve???? I am starting to feel almost human again. All hail than power of good medicine!!!

How many of you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade???  Random fun fact about me: I’ve participated in the Macy’s Parade. My high school marching band performed in the parade in 1975!!! It was COLD!!! Do you know the parade pretty much ends right around the corner from the Macy’s store where all the performances happen?? And those balloons are freakin’ HUGE!!!

We spend Thanksgiving with my sister’s eldest son, Josh.  Josh has his own darling little house now-and it happens to be right around the corner from our new son-in-law’s parents so it’s super convenient. Josh has been cooking Thanksgiving (and Christmas and other holiday get-together’s) dinner on his own since he was 11 years old. My sister can’t cook at all so I think he learned in self-defense!! This boy makes rolls and pie crust from SCRATCH!!!  I made some chocolate Kahluha cupcakes for dessert to take.

As promised, I’m going to reveal what I made from this bunch of stuff. I’ve been trying to find more of the cheese ball thingys but for some reason everyone now wants a ridiculous amount of money for them. My top price is $1 WITH the glass dome.  I painted the wooden base with Heritage white Spray paint and antiqued it.

Here’s the stuff:

Cheese Dome, little houses, tiny bottlebrush trees-all thrifted
Glitter, modeling paste, mirror paper-my stash

Here’s the final product:

Without the dome:

This will be going to our daughter–I certainly do not need more Christmas decor and she has a new house to fill. I made one last year for my sister that she absolutely loves. It can stay out all winter.

I also spiffed up this deer for our daughter. I got it a couple of years ago at Michael’s after Christmas for like $1. It’s paper mache and was a gaudy gold metallic. I used my favorite Heirloom White spray paint and antiqued it and then glittered it a bit with mica glitter. The ribbon and doo-dads are from my stash-the doodads are from a plastic candle ring. I used the aqua ribbon because that’s one of the colors she’s decorated with throughout her house.

I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving has a wonderful and blessed day!! I’ll be back Friday to chat with y’all. I DO NOT go shopping on black Friday–I start DECORATING!!!




Hello Blogland!! It’s Thanksgiving week and as usual I have come down with a nasty bronchial infection!! UGH-seriously it’s EVERY freakin’ year around this time. There will be no outfit post today as my ensembles have been leaving a bit to be desired!!

As promised I’m going to reveal what all the glueing and glittering and such have produced. Actually-being sick has helped get stuff done because there was a lot of hand-sewing that needed to be done and is easily accomplished whilst I am  sitting in the recliner.

Enough chattering–drumrolls please! Dadadaddaaddadadadadadadaad………

Santa on a cow jumping the moon

Here are some close-ups to show the details. The freakin shirt has seed bead buttons as does the jacket. The boots are laced. The bottle brush tree and toys in the pack are vintage.

Here’s project #2:

Santa on a Canada Goose

Here are some close-ups to show the details:

These Santa’s were made from stuff in my “stash”.  Recycled wool, scrap fabrics, vintage “stuff”, scraps of wood.  I used some patterns I had brought a doll making conference maybe 15 year’s ago.

For many years I used to design and make “art dolls” and Santa’s. I sold tons and won prizes in contests. Then, being the magpie I am, I got bored and wandered off into other artistic endeavors. I’ve been getting the “bug” back these past few months. It’s such a rush to see what I picture in my head come to life. Plus it makes SOME use out of my degree in art. I majored in multi-media sculpture-LOLOLOLOL

Many dollmakers make some extra cash from selling their patterns. Some are wonderful and some are a disaster. These-at least pattern/instruction-wise, were a disaster. Very vague, poorly drafted and scaled patterns, WEIRD construction methods. I would’ve not been able to make these if I weren’t experienced in doll-making construction/design and for that matter reasonably experienced in clothing construction.  I wound up pretty much redesigning them. I definitely didn’t follow the materials list but chose my own and adapted to fit what I envisioned.  Plus they wound up being “free”!!!!

I have one more to reveal-but I need to pick up some fake fur for trimming the robe. I decided I wanted that “look” and surprisingly I have no fake fur suitable in my stash. It will be coming!!

Stop by tomorrow to see what this collection of stuff will become!!


I’m linking up with Lakota for Tah-Dah Tuesday!!!

I’m off to take some happy meds and a nap! I’ll be stopping by and visiting your blogs when I’m awake-LOL



Hello Blogland!!! It’s a wonderful weekend!!! Entirely too short, however!! I’ve been busy sewing and glittering and glueing my little fingers off. I’ve got several projects in process for christmas that I’ll be unveiling in the next couple of days.

This week I’ll be putting away the bins of fall decor and getting the house ready to decorate for Christmas. We like to have everything done by December 1st because well–we’re NUTS!!! But we don’t decorate before Thanksgiving and it’s all down by the first weekend after New Years.

I thifted the skirt I’m wearing a couple of weeks ago during the dollar sale. I was holding it up with my tops trying to decide what to wear with it when BOOM I came across the tweed sweater. The tweed colors are the same as the dots in the skirt. I received a lot of compliments on the outfit at church-people wanted to know if they came from the same “collection”. Heck–they didn’t even come from the same thrift store!!

Sweater=WhiteStag via Goodwill, Skirt via Salvation Army, Boots via Kohls

Here’s a closer look at the tweed & dots. I made the pins and earrings.

Here’s a picture of our demon cat Callie in the guest bedroom doorway waiting for some unsuspecting chihuahua to venture down the hall!

I’m off to work on some boots for some Santa’s!! I’ll be linking up with Patti for Visible Monday!!!

I’ll be back Tuesday with a reveal of what I’ve been toiling on!!



Hello Blogland!! Happy Friday!!!!  My thrift-fix was very profitable today!!! I hit the four thrifts in town whilst running some errands. After a long dry spell some wondrous goodies came home with me!!

I’m always on the hunt for vintage xmas stuff. I love to pick up plastic candlerings on the cheap to use in other projects. The Salvation Army had them for 10 cents each today!!! I cleaned them out of all of their plastic tacky glorious candlerings. The sales clerk looked at me like I was nuts! I scored some other goodies at the mission thrifts.

1. Plastic Lamp Decoration-the elf needs a new hat!
2. Plastic Candlerings
3. Quilt Patterns


1. Satin Ball Tree-topper
2. Teapot Ornament
3.Painted Starfish Santa


Chocolate Brown No Label Rayon & Cotton Knit Sweater for $2.50 from the Rescue Mission



I also found this adorable reversible wool beret to wear with my red winter coat for $2!!


Jacket-CJBanks via Goodwill, Top-Venezia via Goodwill, Jeans-Lee Rider, Clogs-Earth Spirit via Walmart years ago, Purse-Goodwill









Hello Blogland!!! Greetings from the set of  “As the chew-toy turns”.  The diva is now in a snit because I gave them new milkbone snacks and she wants the one MrBill has been chewing and he won’t give it to her. So every five minutes she stomps in to where I am on the computer to grumble and grunt her displeasure.  She’s just a tad high maintenance!!

This will be a short post tonite as we just got in. I won a gift card to a local restaurant, Bonefish Grill, last summer in the base dessert contest (Grand champ 2nd year in a row!!) We decided to go for dinner after work. The food was very nice, the specialize in grilled seafood. We had bacon wrapped scallops as an appetizer. I had Maryland Crabcakes and hubster and Grilled Salmon. It was very tasty but I am STUFFED!!

Today’s color was mustard.  I am so enjoying this challenge as I adore the colors we are doing. I naturally gravitate to autumny colors.

Sweater-CJBanks via Goodwill, Blouse-Dressbarn via Goodwill, Pants-thrifted, Belt-Kmart, Shoes-Payless

Here’s a close-up of the scarf and vintage pin-both thrifted. I love that this scarf has all of the challenge colors in it. I could’ve worn it every day!! I snagged the 60’s enamel pin with the adorable ladybug for 25 cents at a yard sale!!!

Here’s a picture of the REAL drama queen in our house. If there’s banging, clanging, thumping, howling, yowling or hissing guaranteed she is responsible for it somehow. Callie’s other name is “Wild Thing”. She lives to create havoc  and chaos. Her favorite thing is to torment poor sweet wussy MrBill. He is terrified of her and she knows it. She LOVES to freak him out by sitting on the endtable while he’s on my lap and just stare at him. Another way she has fun with him is to lay in the doorway of one of the bedrooms with her paw sticking out into the hallway knowing he will just sit at the end of the hall and cry. Kae has no fear of her at all. But poor Bill….LOLOLOL  She is definitely the hubster’s baby–she adores him and follows him around “talking”. Me- she tolerates.

This is about 10 seconds before she bit the camera lens!!!

I am so glad I’m off tomorrow!! I need a thrifting FIX!!!  Everyone have a great evening and tomorrow will be the last day of the challenge!!!



Hello Blogland and Happy Hump Day!!! I’m wrapped up in the most BORING project at work this week so time has been DRAGGING!!  It involves coding CLINS(contract line items) into a specialized estimating template. I got elected for this festivity because I’m the only one outside the supervisor who knows how to create a custom filter set. Enough with nerd talk!! I’m glad it’s my Friday off week cause I need some thrift shopping therapy!

If someone had told me last fall I would be sporting a pumpkin colored sweater skirt AND a belt I would’ve told them they were nuts. I can’t believe how boring I was then. My “uniform” was jeans-sometimes colored- and a long-sleeve or short sleeve tshirt.  Losing the 30+ pounds and discovering all of you awesome folks out there style blogging has changed my life. The fact that I, who was notoriously camera shy, willingly take my picture almost daily and post it for the world to see is a miracle in itself!! This peacock is strutting with her tailfeathers on display!!

Anyway-here’s what I wore today. The awesome necklace is Indian and a gift from the fabulous Vix.  It went perfectly with the pumpkin skirt-which I scored a couple of weeks ago during the dollar days at the Salvation Army. I may have mentioned I work with mostly male engineers-who are known for their fabulous fashion savvy (see plastic pocket protectors!!)LOL.  One of my co-workers commented that my eyes are almost the same color as my sweater. He wanted to know if I was wearing colored contacts. (Sure-WITH my glasses no less) My eyes are really a teal blue/green.  My Dad’s mom had the same unusual eyecolor-it’s known in his family that occasionally that color would pop up. I’m the only one in my generation that has this color eyes. Guess that’s why I love Teal so much!!

Sweater Skirt-David Hollis via Salvation Army. Sweater-SAgHarbor via Goodwill, Purse via Goodwill, Boots via Kmart, Necklace via Vix, Belt via Goodwill

Here’s a close-up of the bling!! I made the post earrings.

Now to the PUPPIES (ok, they are my puppies)!!! Miss Kae is evidently PMSing tonite or something. MrBill was futzing around on their blanky. She decided she wanted him off the blanky so she stomped on him. He didn’t comply with her command to move. He usually gives in to her as he is very meek and sweet. She is somewhat bossy and pushy. Oh, let’s just tell it like it is. She can be an 8lb blonde cute furry BITCH when she wants to be. This time he snapped at her. Oh the drama!! She was INSULTED!! HOW DARE HE!!! She stomped off into the bathroom and sat next to the toilet and pouted. MrBill came on in the Craft Palace with me while she stomps in every once in a while to grumble and pout. I told her the world does not revolve around her. If looks could kill……

MrBill playing on the blanky. That’s Bear in the background.

See how dainty Kae sits!!!!

Kae abusing Bear. She stands on it and chews its ears.

My sweet boy.