
Tag Archives: vegan

bella pledge

Hello Blogland!!! How is everyone doing this lovely first week of February??? Since it is the Season of LOOOOOVVVEEE I’m going to be posting some vintage really strange Valentine’s Cards.

First up: nothing says ROMANCE like lunch meat!!!!


Just a little update on the Tamera gets Healthier Project. I’ve been essentially Gluten-free Vegan since January 1st. It’s going really well. Not to say I’ll never eat dairy or meat or wheat again but so far I’ve had no interest in it.  I’ve been scouring my Moosewood cookbooks and got some vegetarian/vegan slow-cooker ones.  Tonite we had a tasty vegan Chickpea/Potato/GreenBean Curry. I made the hubster a porkchop for his meat needs. He liked the curry-so far he’s pretty much liked everything but the grilled polenta. I’ve even got him drinking green smoothies. He just doesn’t want to know what the green is (kale).

I weighed myself today and I’m down SEVENTEEN!!!!! pounds since January 1st. That makes a total of 54 lbs since October of 2011. Awesomecakes!!!  I really not focusing on a number-I just want to feel better.  My energy level is up a bit and my base pain level is down a bit so something must be working right.

I wore one of my button-down blouses Monday and even with belting it-it’s now too big. I’ve had it since BEFORE I lost weight (in fact I have 4 in diff colors) and I can’t really alter it to make it fit. Went through the closet and pretty much all of my button downs are now just too big so out they went.

I have deemed February Skirt and Frock Month. I am going to wear a different skirt or frock every day this month. As i continue to drop the lard and my pants get too big I’m going to wear skirt. Adjusting an elastic waist is fairly easy!!

Here’s Monday’s Outfit. Everytime I moved the blouse would poof all up:


Sweater-CJBanks/thrifted, Skirt-JessicaLondon/thrifted, Blouse-Dressbarn/retail, Boots-Kmart/retail,             Scarf-vintage, Belt-thrifted

And here’s today’s outfit. I LOVE my JJill $1 skirt–so swirly!!! I was going to wear a black cardigan but decided why not wear the teal??:


Skirt-JJill/thrifted, Cardigan-thrifted, Top-thrifted, Boots-retail

I’ve been making lists and plans on redecorating the rest of the house more like the hall bath. Mostly it will involve painting stuff. I’ll have to wait for warmer weather for spray painting!! It will give me more time to plot!!!

Well–it’s Tuesday nite and that means time for Mark Harmon!!! I’m now totally a TV Boyfriend Bigamist as I’ve added Keith Urban to my harem!!



bella pledge

Hello Blogland!!! Everyone having a fabulous weekend???? Long time no post!!  I’ve been in technology purgatory the last few days. I got  a new computer and it’s giving me a FIT!! My CAD (engineering program) won’t load and I’m having to re-set everything back up. I’m so aggravated by then end of the day the last thing I want to do is putz with the computer. AND if that wasn’t enough—my camera went nutso and I lost pictures. I had to get a new memory card. My next camera will definitely be wi-fi!!!

I spent my time making stuff and collecting together the fixin’s for my collab project with Clare. Sometimes it’s good to back away from the technology I guess!!

Here’s a picture of the hubster I took while he was sick. He’s much better now!!! Yes, he’s wearing a hoodie inside. His head was cold!!!! Calliekins was his constant companion. She is Daddy’s girl!!!


I may have mentioned that I am easing my way into being vegan.  Took the final step off the cliff this weekend!!! I’m not doing it so much for weight-loss, although that is cool, but to improve my health.  I’m sick and tire of being sick and tired!!!

I have what I refer to as the “Trifecta of Suck”. I’ve been a controlled diabetic for 15 years (no complications thank God!!) About 8 1/2 years ago my health just went down the tubes. Sick constantly. In late 2005 I was diagnosed with Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus-which is essentially chronic non-infectious mononucleosis. Plays havoc with my immune system (I now catch EVERYTHING) and leaves me exhausted. PLUS, as a festive parting gift, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia-which I responded to no medicines for.

Honestly speaking–a good day I feel like I’m coming down with the flu. Best description is I feel like a ran a marathon in 100 degree heat with 100% humidity carrying a 100 lb back pack while being beaten with a 2×4. Somedays it hurts to take a shower. It is what it is and I’ve learned to adapt my life. I break everything down into small tasks that I can accomplish and the rest. But it still puts a big ole damper on things.

I’ve been following a blog called The Painting Queen. Crystal is married to a fellow I went to high school with. We met at one of his band gigs a few years ago and hit it off.  She has been through a very similar health crisis the last couple of years. Starting in November 2011, she became vegan and completely turned her life around. She spends a great deal of time researching nutrition and such and started a new blog “The Queen’s Table” where she shares her story and encourages others.  I can highly recommend you check her out!!! (I link because I love)

Reading her blog, and the information she shares, has convinced me that this is the way to go. Farewell pasta and cheese!!!  I actually am not too crazy about meat and love veggies and fruits. The hubster is going to be drug along somewhat. I’ll just fix him some meat.

I have a juicer I’ve been using and I LOVE green smoothies!! I took my morning smoothie with me to work on Friday. A co-worker commented it looked like I was drinking a milkshake made out of the stuff in his fishtank filter! I let the hubster taste some and he said he’ll drink it if he doesn’t have to know what is in it!!  I’ll be sharing some recipes I come up with as I travel down this road.

My outfit today was inspired by a post by the amazing Sacramento introducing us to Seapunk Fashion!!!    According to Sacramento- Seapunk fashion is characterised by heavy use of the color turquoise, nautically themed articles of clothing, mirrored circle sunglasses and anything that glows blue.

I pulled out a newly thrifted skirt that looked rather aquatic and paired it with my teal sweater, black boots, and octopus pendant.

80% thrifted

80% thrifted

I’m going to be linking up with the marvelous ladies at Patti’s for Visible Monday! Check us out–we are far cooler than anything you’ll see in a fashion magazine!! YAY–Downton Abbey is back!!! Gotta go fix the Carrot/Leek/Coconut/Cashew soup recipe I found on Crystal’s blog so I’ll be ready to gawk at all the stunning clothes! TTFNTamera